Saturday, September 11, 2010

First Rant, First Blog

So I am new to this whole Blogging thing, so I'll start by saying my name is Stacey,  ooooo imagine that, but my parents I just recently found out had originally named me Tracey so that blows alot of things out of the water for me.  But anyway I am a mom, wife, antique store owner, photographer, guitar player, cook, computer technician, oh shit I guess I'll shut up about me.  My first rant is going to be about 9/11 and all the bullshit that goes with it.  The government, Bush, set the whole thing up, thats what I've got to say about that, this link pretty much sums it up so FUCKING WATCH IT!!!
So welcome to my blog, I will be pissy and vulgar, and nice and sweet, sometimes I may even be drunk, I will just be me on here, you can either hate me or love me I frankly don't give a shit, but I will still love you all.


  1. Stacey, ummm ur blog SHOULD b about you. I'll talk about me all day long!! I'm glad you got this set up. Although I love Facebook, I can write more on here, and only the people that want to hear me can. Others can choose not to hehehe

  2. hahahaha... cant wait to see what you post. get ur blog on!
